Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Q3 3rd Grade Virtual Art Class Projects

 Here are a couple of videos recapping what 3rd grade virtual art students worked on during quarter 3, enjoy! - Miss Sheffer

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Fourth Graders at Aylesworth and Kyle Study FORM and VALUE

Fourth grade students have been busy learning how to render three dimensional forms such as a cylinder, cube, and pyramid. Students then dove into learning about how light hits an object and the shadows created when that happens. 

After creating 12 forms separately, students were tasked with organizing these elements into a balanced composition. 

Great Job 4th Graders!!! - Miss Sheffer

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

 Even though our kids at South Haven cannot use the maker's center just yet, the librarians sure do love having their artwork hung up to see. During this project, both 5th grade classes at South Haven Elementary worked together to contribute an abstracted portion of Georgia O'Keefe's Hibiscus Flower Painting. Each student was assigned a section of the painting to complete using oil pastels. In the end the piece came out looking beautifully abstract with wonderful movement throughout!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Chihuly Macchia

Kyle 1st Graders have been working on Dale Chihuly inspired Macchias. Chihuly is an artist that creates installations using glass blowing techniques. A Macchia (Italian for spot) is the name Chihuly gives his bowl shaped pieces. The 1st Graders have been exploring intricate designs and how certain colors interact with each other. Next step is the installation!

Myers Elementary: Kindergarten Spring Flowers

Our Kindergarteners have been working hard on practicing different line techniques as well as learning about the rainbow!  They created these beautiful Spring flowers that highlight their ability to use color in rainbow order and their ability to use different types of lines!  Aren't they beautiful?!

Q3 3rd Grade Virtual Art Class Projects

 Here are a couple of videos recapping what 3rd grade virtual art students worked on during quarter 3, enjoy! - Miss Sheffer